New Construction Blower Door Testing

Beat the blower door!

Call Northeast Air Sealing to get started.

As builders know, energy codes are getting tighter and tighter for new construction projects. Whether you’re looking to meet local or IECC code, air leakage is a crucial component, and many areas and municipalities in southern New Hampshire, northern Massachusetts, and southern Maine require blower door testing to be performed on new homes before an occupancy permit is issued.

Northeast Air Sealing offers blower door testing and certification both as a standalone service and as part of AeroBarrier air sealing installation to ensure that builders can quickly and easily meet any air tightness standards and pass the blower door test the first time, guaranteed!

Blower Door Testing for New Homeowners

Happy family standing outside of their new house

Blower doors are a tool used to test the air tightness and energy efficiency of new homes. The “tighter” the home is, the fewer air leaks there are in the building envelope. Air leaks can lead to:

  • Energy waste
  • Higher heating and cooling costs
  • Uneven room-to-room temperatures and comfort issues
  • Unhealthy indoor air
  • Mold growth and moisture issues
  • & more

A blower door uses a powerful fan to pressurize the air inside your new home. This allows you to measure the severity and identify the location of air leaks. Blower door testing is not only necessary to issue a Certificate of Occupancy in much of our service area—the results can also be used to confirm the quality of your builder’s air sealing work prior to you moving in.

What Happens When You Fail a Blower Door Test?

Failing the blower door test requires a second round of air sealing and another blower door test, which both increases costs and delays construction. For homeowners, this could mean delaying your move-in date!

AeroBarrier is advanced air sealing technology that removes the risk of a failed blower door test. With guaranteed results, quick and safe application, and real-time air leakage monitoring, your builder can be sure that your new home will meet even the highest airtightness standards.

Benefits of AeroBarrier Air Sealing + Blower Door Testing from Northeast Air Sealing

Aerobarrier In New Construction Home
  • Convenience of a single company handling both services
  • Keep construction on schedule
  • Guaranteed to meet any air tightness standards, down to <1 ACH50!
  • Avoid the expense and delays of a failed blower door test
  • Available for both single family and multi-family projects

Contact Our Team Today to Schedule Air Sealing and Blower Door Testing

Whether your new construction project is in Portsmouth, Manchester, Essex, York, or any of the surrounding areas, scheduling air sealing and blower door testing from a contractor you can trust is crucial to a comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient home. Northeast Air Sealing works with homeowners, builders and architects, and more, using the latest in advanced building science technology like AeroBarrier air sealing to keep your project on time and on budget—reach out to our team to learn more!

Pass the blower door the first time with AeroBarrier and Northeast Air Sealing.

Call 603-415-1115 or contact us today for guaranteed results!

Customer Testimonials

BPI Certified Professional